Vulonkaaz's microblog
That's where I'll post my mid to high quality shitpost from now
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minetest is cool (and failed attempts at compiling firefox)
Minetest is one very based and underrated game, free and open source too so you just have to do pacman -S minetest to start exploring the
best virtual worlds that the cyberspace has to offer

The view from the terrace of my food stand near Melinka train station on the
LinuxForks server, don't hesitate to visit that server its very
beautiful, and come to Melinka that's where i live
Today I tried to install the GNU IceCat web browser, which had to be compiled from source, and I totally failed to do so
I now have more respect for Ladybird I said they were bloated and slow to compile but now I truly understand what they're against, in fact
they are extremely lightweight compared to the shitshow that is firefox (and its forks like icecat), let's hope it stays that way
Sat, 06 Jul 2024 21:50:07 +0200
showing dillo the love it deserves
dillo is very based and alternative lightweight browsers are very based
made a few changes on my site to ensure dillo users have a somewhat good experience, my site is already pretty based and
minimal so I didn't have to do much but I added a background color (dillo doesn't seem to support background images so it
used to display ugly yellow as a background on my site) and replaced the one avif image I had with png (avif is far superior
but unfortunately not supported well on alternative browsers, and I realised dithering my images was a far better way of
making them lightweight)
There's a new alternative browser that poped up recently the ladybird browser and that one's pretty based in the sense
that it aims to be actually usable even on bloated sites and to be a viable alternative to the three mainstream engines while
not being tied to any corpo or any political ideology. Unfortunatly it is already bloated take a huge time to compile slow af
but it might be good in the future
oh btw doesn't belong to the project anymore some scammers or something are squatting the domain the real dillo
site now is
edit : actually dillo CAN show background images, the option just is disabled by default for some reason
Sat, 06 Jul 2024 00:51:48 +0200
saw fireflies for the first time today
Saw fireflies for the first time today, idk how it's possible but
I actually never saw any before
Lot of things happened today I finally put a website online (,
I started dream journaling again (road to lucid dreaming and other kind of
paranormal stuff) and now I see fireflies
For some reason today feel important
(No photos cause none of my cameras can capture that kind of beauty very well
Wed, 19 Jun 2024 23:41:01 +0200
dithered images are cool
I have an obsession over dithered images since a few days they look so cool
Theres' a lot of new content on the site i added the photos and some art that ain't garfield fanart and i optimized some images
I should be trying to fix my life and look for jobs build my CV and portfolio and stuff instead of that i am procrastinating yet again
am not receiving disability money anymore for some reason not sure if i got kicked out of that or if the administration is just incompetent i guess ill have to look into that eventually
Life is good but i feel tired all day long for no reason and the people i care the most about live ~8000km away from me
Sun, 18 Feb 2024 15:23:10 +0100
Happy winter solstice 2023
Thu, 21 Dec 2023 05:45:42 +0100
Happy Halloween 2023
Happy Halloween guys
Been long since the last time I made one of those cards
This one a bit different than the previous ones, Garfield ain't here, maybe it is a new era
in my artstyle, less silly goofy garfield memes, more of whatever my normal vibe is, maybe more
melancholy, cuteness and sadness I guess
The gal you see on my halloween e-cards is called Émilie, halloween is her favorite holliday
so just for her I kinda have to make those cards
Halloween is my favorite holliday as well, even tho i rarely have the chance to celebrate it,
most of my irl frens don't really give a crap about it, I'll probably spend that evening on
fortnite with that one fren of mine like i do on most lonely hollidays, or maybe i'll hop onto
vrchat and see how ppl celebrate here. If any of you wanna invite me for something feel free i
One last note, my e-card are meant for anyone who want to send them, that's why i sign them,
so if you wanna send this to some chooms of yours feel very free to do so
Tue, 31 Oct 2023 01:54:24 +0100
new bicycle + lost in the woods
Bought a bicycle yesterday and google maps made me go through this kind of place
Sat, 30 Sep 2023 18:44:09 +0200
trip in Rennes
so I have been staying in the french city of Rennes for 2 days due to
having to take an exam, here what happened :
- train station is so absurdly big it took me 20 minutes to find the bathroom
- LOTS of beggars (this point alone make that city go from average tier to hellhole tier)
- I once saw a guy driving with his car's trunk wide open for no apparent reason (there was a few groceries in the trunk)
- I also saw two young people in a car one of them yelling in a traffic cone
- I had to cope with a big headache with no paracetamol at 4am in the morning (VERY painful)
- subway stations look sicc (as in every big city that has a subway)
- subway make a beautiful strong and powerful noise (there is no better melody than the one of electric motors)
- got a 5€ gift card for participating in a study about Volvic bottles (that was kinda fun)
- there is a cellphone somewhere in the hotel that's vibrating so hard it make my entire room tremble it is driving me NUTS
(I had to rent a cheap ass hotel cause prices are absurd in france)
I'm rating this adventure 3.5/10, a few fun things happened and some people are nice but that does not compensate the amount of
bad vibes i'm getting from that place, I will be out of there at 10am and hope I won't have any reason to come back
my ass will now try the best it can to stay away from huge cities now, especially if the city is french
Fri, 22 Sep 2023 00:16:19 +0200
Chillin in the backrooms~
Sat, 16 Sep 2023 00:18:54 +0200
New microblog
Made a new microblog for my high quality shitpost(as opposed
to my low quality shitpost on Pleroma, this blog only will get
good content)
Consider this a continuation of my old
Tumblr account
Wed, 13 Sep 2023 19:24:57 +0200